Space frehly

Please find a way for Pop to call it until Craig comes back.

No, fuck and no.

Is weed legal in California now? Wait, no, he wouldn’t sacrifice the munchies. Let alone the beer. Fuck me, this fucker is Scrooge Mc Duck or some kind of shit. I lost a days pay on that. Set it down man, set it down.

Man, I could go for some Jets Superbowl stuff.

I’m pretty sure it also means the coolest stuff in the UK .

Us? Gordon or Daly? Jones maybe?

Her dad is probably the registered owner. You always get sued if your name is on the title and an accident occurs.

I thought in these parts, the answer is always Miata.

Call Daly, it’s time to pop a top.

Everyone knows Bigfoot is the strongest of all mythological creatures.

When I got my first car, the guy I purchased it from told me it needed a fuel pump. Towed it home, flipped the air cleaner, dumped some gas on it, and it would run until the gas was gone. Replaced the the fuel pump and nothing changed. Yep, it was out of gas.

I start that era with J. R. Rider. What my friends and I didn’t like about the Sheed stop was him telling the cop they didn’t have weed anymore. Who says that?

That’s president Comacho.

The window is supposed to be a lot larger, right?

Is it still Spanish for the niño?

Pay up learn. I hope the driver got tipped.

And someday my Fiat will be worth something.

John Wooden disapproves.

Anakin built it, you think Luke could fix it right.