It's a pickle, the writer is commentating on what politicians can't do, I'm trying to point out they do that in real life.
It's a pickle, the writer is commentating on what politicians can't do, I'm trying to point out they do that in real life.
You'd think so, wouldn't you? But then a nominee for president commanded vast black voter majorities while spending their career using racist attacks on black people, this nominee commands vast majorities of LGBT voters while having stood on the senate floor and regularly gay bashed and gave lip service to anti-LGBT…
I prefer "depressing", but depressing events can be interesting.
I don't mean to be terribly political but we kind of just had a primary where black community leaders and politicians convinced black people to vote for one half of a political couple that dramatically increased poverty, suffering, and violence among black people through the 90s, and was wont to racist outbursts too.
Nice edgelord references on the Anonymous troll, Solaire and Predator masks in the background.
He's a Bronze Age villain, doesn't mesh with the show, but he's incredibly entertaining.
Props to the couple pornstar fucking in the window.
He wasn't lame at all, he was just out of place, they played him like a copy pasted comic book villain, their use of the actor's great talents was lame.
Try reading an email, specifically the one where her staff worry they won't be able to get her to agree to something because she's a fucking bigot.
He did no such thing, he cast every shadow he could on Trump and employed a "there's no 'there' there" strategy when dealing with her selectively curated incidents.
“I’m not saying double down or ever say it again. I’m just saying that she’s not going to want to say she was wrong about that, given she and her husband believe it and have repeated it many times. Better to reiterate evolution, opposition to DOMA when court considered it, and forward looking stance.”
He's spent no time at all examining Hillary Clinton, hell I haven't seen a damned thing about her still opposing gay rights, it's staring everyone in the face, but apparently we're not allowed to discuss the emails because "ARGLE BARGLE REDSLLGETCHA" or some shit.
I can't take these reviews seriously, fuckboy? Really?
The second half is stronger, with better villains, but there's a lot less intrigue.
Hot damn, give that stormtrooper a medal, I couldn't believe he got on the Ghost.
I never thought I'd see a show take a massive shit on Einstein, debasing his character, be boiled down to a womanizer, depicting him as lesser to his wife when Mileva contributed nothing to physics, which is probably some hamhanded political position given the conspiracy that she was responsible for everything.
Excellent insight, sadly the reviewers here are the bad kind of SJW, the kind who would expel the boys for daring to protest the girls, so his politics is utterly blinding him - as ideology is wont to do.
SJW reviews, cringe.
"But to present her demeanor at the debate as directly adding legions of supporters to Trump/Garrison’s fanbase seems strange."