
That does sound like something that Capaldi's Doctor might say.

"It costs $250,000 to raise a child to the age of eighteen. So the question you have to ask yourself is, is that money a gift… or a loan?"

"What, I gotta have a reason for everything?"

"Wow, that's not what Mom said at all."
"Well, we men are better at abstract reasoning. Go tell her that."

William Gibson. I fell in love with "Neuromancer", but his other work just doesn't interest me for some reason.

True, but "literally a little" is too alliterative.

Loved the little musical "Oooh—Ahhhh-Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!" flourish at the end.

Apparently, Sean Hannity is literally a bitch.

Clearly this wasn't a serious attempt to find the weirdest lyric. If it had been, Soul Coughing would've occupied all ten slots, as follows:

David: "What do you think about Michael Scott?"

Or "Scott's Tots".

Wait, are you selling Penis Mightiers?


"I don't think Michael intended to punish me by putting Ryan back here with Kelly. But if he did intend that, wow… genius."

Even better is how quickly and blithely Creed agrees to help Dwight.

You want me to tell you?


You've got to know your chicken.

You've got to know your chicken.