
it's a x-ray camera! :D

You guys were lucky you got to use the TI's then. We had to use Casios. And they would come round pushing the manual reset on the back of the calculator which wiped everything.

you're also paying for the R&D that went into it...

we were allowed these in our exams but the supervisors would reset the memories before the exam. all programs gone.

They're diesel-electric. Diesel engine powers a generator which generates electricity for an electric motor which turns the wheels. If you reverse the electricity, it'll go in the other direction.

Yeah i just noticed that. BUT there are remote controlled ones.

that's why they send out two engines to clear the way for the other trains...

it's probably remote controlled.

Funny how the earthquakes in Christchurch, NZ isn't even mentioned...

like that's not going to set off the metal detector...

it's more like a few thousand years... and using a quantum computer on AES-256 would be just like cracking AES-128 encryption with a normal supercomputer.

That depth of field is real. Depth of field is shallower when the subject that is in focus is closer to the lens. This depth of field is even possible with an iPhone. Plug all the specs of the iPhone into a DoF calculator and you will find that at 20cm focus distance, only subjects between 17cm and 24cm from the lens

Also, even if the laser does manage to blind one exposure... It won't be able to compete with the 11fps of the Nikon D4 or the 14fps of the Canon 1Dx... At least 1 out of 11/14 photos will be properly exposed...

Not likely... Even the designers of the system acknowledge the limitations of their system. They said it would not work against DSLRs... The system was originally designed for use in the dark to prevent people from recording in cinemas... They don't even know how well it would work in daylight against point and shoot;

the shield is useless against a DSLR... the sensor is blocked be the mirror most of the time...

hahaha... a proper papparazzi doesn't use a point and shoot... they use a DSLR... good luck detecting the sensor of a DSLR with it's mirror down!!!

yay... can finally mount leica "optics" on my nikon body...

wasn't talking about you! be happy :)

this is news????

and what happens if you suck so much that it never gets round to taking the photo?