
The real story here is that Kershaw recognized him

It’s a whole other thing in terms of scope, perhaps, but not in nature. Utilizing, say, a dependent care savings account similarly helps someone avoid taxes.

How does one respect a person who says they were raped while acknowledging the possibility that they were not?

“I can’t say his name, but he’s one of the best soccer players in the world and a supermodel. Oh, and it’s not David Beckham”

Whoa whoa whoa. We don’t hate Lebron because he is good. We hate him because he went on tv and announced where he was going to play basketball the next year, raising millions of dollars for charities in the process. Get our irrational hatred of athletes straight.

To be fair, “Cristiano Ronaldo’s Reaction Arguably Disproportionate” wouldn’t have gotten as many clicks

It’s pretty easy to say that when it’s not you getting ripped to shreds - the guy participated in a Presidential debate, unintentionally became a meme, tried to have fun with it, and is getting burned at the stake for a few vaguely impolitic Reddit comments. According to you, he should have somehow anticipated all of

He actually answered why he’s undecided, and it’s pretty straight forward. He sides with Hillary’s policies, but he works in the coal industry, so it’s his politics versus his livelihood. That’s why his question revolved around energy policy. You may disagree with his reasoning, but it’s not hard to follow his

People aren’t digging through his dirt for being undecided. They are digging through his dirt because he looks just like the kid they used to trip in the halls at school, and it was funny to them then and it is funny to them now...

What’s the point of slanting it like he’s racist? Everyone’s acting like the Trayvon Martin shooting has only ONE correct answer or get your life ass fucked. (I disagreed with the shootings warrant) but the guy said it was a complicated topic and he felt at the time it was warranted.

It shouldn’t be done. Being a decent person isn’t assinine, and if you think it is, then you need a better perspective. Actively looking, then posting a negative story of this person isn’t behavior that should be encouraged.

That doesn’t mean it’s ok to post his stuff and portray him in a negative light. This is what’s wrong with society these days, we’ve given up on trying to just be nice people. We have to go and try and find the bad in people. Why? So we can feel better about our own shortcomings?

That’s the whole point of a vasectomy. I’m not sure why anyone clutched their pearls over that post.

Come on,this dude is not running for office and I am willing to bet every damn guy that reads this has enjoyed some porn.
This really is somme unfair bullshit. This is exactly the kind of stuff that gives this site a bad name for a trend of petty nasty shit posts. Its truly a distasteful almost bullying expose and

STOP THE GODDAM BULLYING. The dude asked a question while being fat and you can’t just couldn’t get past a slightly oddly dressed fat guy being on TV. Give it a rest.

To be fair, who doesn’t enjoy barebacking?

I love how everyone commenting is suddenly an expert in speech patterns, videography, hostage situations, sound-proofing and behavioral science.

Come on now. This story is bullshit. He clearly didn’t mean to hit Vasquez. Obviously he was aiming for the team trainer.

do you also criticize people for liking different foods than you?

More nuanced? Saruman is a sneering bastard with few redeeming qualities in the book the same as in the films. He was a dick even before he became officially evil, and over the course of his villainly he goes from trying to rule the world to bullying Hobbits for cheap laughs.