
No, I don't have a horse in this race. I don't really give a rats ass about either side. The world will turn even after this conflict/debate/whatever is done. As far as my bias, I'm just seeing how things are. When I see less comments on the gamergate side that doesn't resort to ad-hominem and I see more on the other,

Won't happen for most websites. Legal liability if the database gets hacked. Only big corporations have the staff for top tier security and infrastructure. Unless some company was somehow able to get their hands on a security expert. Most don't though.

I agree with that. It's why I've been watching from the sidelines (I have no horse in this race) with an keen interest in how both sides react. And basically yeah, as much as the anti-gamergate want to say they don't support harassment, quite a few skirt the line, if not cross it. But again, this is what happens when

Most of the gaming community doesn't give a rats ass about the conflict I surmise. The numbers are too few on either side to be representative of really anything substantial. They see a cluster-fuck, and they avoid it. It's like walking down a street and seeing a full on massive street brawl going on. You turn around

Considering the diverse group of gamergate... it was probably legitimately one, the other, or both. To say it's completely one of those is being genuinely dishonest. Frankly, anyone painting the entire movement with one giant label doesn't understand that the group is not a single entity.

We all go WTF when microsoft

No she did not. Though frankly, her original design with blue stripes going over her breasts doesn't help. However, that's just the advancement of technology and being unable to go far from the original design without committing a world building sin (don't retroactively change universe rules).

What you are describing is coined as "slacktivism".

I applaud this article because it makes seavral keys points about how even a few people can use technology to harass people. It also illustrates that not everything is clear cut, black/white as people want it to be. So I'm glad that harassers are getting unveiled.

You mean lazy ass publishers. publishers dictate release dates.

we be orphans out in the great alaskan wild of the universe. Ouch.

And destiny stole those mechanics from whom? I mean, hell - it's just game mechanics.

I would use it, but a system is only secure as people are willingly to adhere to it.

Aren't you always basically sprinting anyways?

Stick figures!

Fingerprint scan is actually worse security than a pin number unfortunately. Unless you use it to scan like another part of your body or something.

Because they are worried people will see it as a turd. Restrictions like these means that the marketing department has no faith in the product they are pitching for you to buy.

Toss in the telephone game law as an additional rule.

You do, they just don't tell you what it is. When you reach it, your internet will slow to a crawl.

Ouch. Looked on Wikipedia for recent numbers of children versus adults in the united states... that's 100 million adults roughly (I rounded up using 2010 census data, adding 18 to 65 and elderly together for both genders). Yikes.

To be fair, there's a fair amount of children. But still, that's probably 50 million middle age adults and 30 million retirement age. Even ballparking the demographics, it's still kind of mind boggling.