
Kindof sad... but saw it coming.

Imagine it's the online movement like occupy wall street... and there is an billion different viewpoints on what issues they are addressing. That's it - in it's current nutshell.

Gotta love the binary in some people. Seriously. Ignorance is bliss for them.

I ignore the Ad hominem attacks at first and continue to take the high road in discussion. If they want to roll around in the mud, that's their problem. However if someone has exhausted my patience, I generally just leave the discussion. Generally I find the task next to impossible to get through to the other person.

Agreed. Finding civil debaters is like winning lottery sometimes. In the book, "The Righteous mind: Why good people are divided by politics and religion." The author points out that people react upon emotional feedback first, then form their judgement/arguement before any decision is made (this in the split seconds

Most of these anime faces are terrifying. Annie from attack on titan is a little too happy about it.

I'm going to guess you didn't mean all tropes, but on the off chance; there is a trope for literally everything. Some tropes are indeed lazy writing (example: damsel in distress) because it's too relied upon, but to say all tropes comes from lazy writing is a bit farfetch. Also in my first response to when we started,

Instead of approaching me as my own person (which I am), and simply saying, look no, you are wrong, here's a link to the exact youtube with exact timestamp. That would have gone far better than you. You made an assumption and it made an ass out of you.
Don't give flimsy excuses of "I thought you were a troll." Saying

Admittedly the person in the above video, KnowledgeFX, went into the game file and tampered with their stats so they could yank Excalibastard from its glimmering perch, which is kind of an anti-climax after all the hubbub. Here, however, is what they found: you need a badass rank of 2500 to make the gunsword of

Thank you for your honest answer. I Think I posted in opposite order on accident. Anyway, interesting discourse. Yeah, I feel like you can repurpose alot of the tropes used into something productive. Perhaps that's just my "fix what is broke mentality" instead of toss it out completely. Otherwise our narrative

Heh, interest prospect. I'm still worried frankly over the rise of Indie Developers as I'm wondering if it's just a bubble that is going to be burst or is the cycle/marketplace is simply resetting itself. Even with an crash, the market would simply reset itself. I agree that we're going to see less AAA and more Indie

And... here is a example of someone letting emotions get the better of them. *golf clap*

Seriously, chill the fuck out. Act calmly and conduct civil discourse if you have issue with something I say. Otherwise, stop posting. Seriously. I'm tired of both sides knee-jerk reaction posts that make them look like a three

I would say right now... probably. Most people who have voiced their disagreement/criticism of her work (myself included) have already said their piece. We're done, and probably many feel like there is little point to voicing our opinon. We just get labled and categorized because we disagree. Usually with hellfire

Same thing. I initally thought it was nuclear war especially with the title.

70% of conflicts arise from a miscommunication between two people. This is according to studies that exanimed how conflicts arise. (The handbook of Conflict Resolution; Authors: Deutsch, Coleman, Marcus)

Well as someone who sees both sides being somewhat steaming piles of crap for being hypocritcal on not policing

That is definitely entertaining but sounds like that guy was stooping to trolling the other side.

That appears to be the same order of events from what I've read from various sites/youtube videos etc. Trolls don't start from square 1. They need an target that is deemed easy to attack. If Zoe didn't have her ex leak that information, they wouldn't have "justification" they need. Even in the twisted mind of trolls,

Suddenly... I was knee-deep and 12 articles into wikipedia.