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"It looks like the victim's computer was being... overclocked past the melting point. "

Rofl, probably. Mostly, I would like to work there just to work there.

Now playing

add in game chat... and yeah... kindof realistic what a LoL game would be.

As katharine said, grain of salt. Concept designs can easily change at a moment's notice.

The military is not a corporation agreed but the concept is the same. Adapt or fall to the way side. In the face of the fact that you WILL have to deal with millennials full time soon enough, not adapting to the change (which I would classify this CO is basically bitching) is not going to do anything but hurt more.


I agree with that, I just think the out of combat scenario is probably where this "disorder" (not sure what to call it) is seen the most.

Millennials are generation Y. It's just the nickname given to us just like the baby boomers is another nickname for another generation.

I would disagree on one point that I think many miss. The problem with millennials is that the military is not adapting to them. Unfortunately, the military is in an clusterfuck situation over it. Either they adapt or will continue to have problems as no one else but Millennials are going to replace the soldiers. You

Your not seeing the bigger picture. I'm going to figure this has less to do with combat scenarios and more to deal when there isn't any fighting going on. If your NCO gives you proper reasoning when out of combat scenarios (IE; can actually tell you why), you are going to trust them far more when you are in a combat

It's hardly an generational thing. People have been running from responsibility since.. forever. I'm a bit curious how you came up with that conclusion.

This is going to be good.

Just because I'm really curious on where you stand, does that also include porn made for women?

In ME2, Paragon takes the stick out of it's ass and starts beating people with it. =P

He committed a cinema sin in this entire video. News Flash: All those dead soldiers etc are japanese, not german.

be a super hacker and add pixels to everything. =P

I remember that scene. I didn't press the trigger, I just watched the russians gun down everyone and tagged along behind them. It made me mad that I couldn't just turn around and kill the russians. =/

Even when the copyrighted music is in the game audio itself?

Never said it was equal to business sense. It is stupid however. But you know what causes a shit ton of money to be lost or bad publicity? When you don't use common sense. Sony's security fiasco that cost them how many? Basic shit that got ignored by said stakeholders. Basic common sense of "don't store things in