
They certainly have the time/money to do so. The question is: Will the net benefit be worth the effort? How will they get the updated files to previous owners of the game? What changes in various logistics need to be made? Manufacturing? Does that mean they now need to update all their marketing? Do the covers/cases

Right.... Going to call bullshit on this and you are grasping half-assed claims. There is a small snowball chance in hell it was coded in such a way that you only need to rem out a single line of code. Nobody codes the same way and to make the claim without saying you have witnessed said code, is more stupid.


Of course, denying gay people the right to get married in a game about relationships and marriage is itself "social commentary."

Agreed, though frankly, if I ever do decide to go on my ambitions of trying to become a independent developer, I would certainly open the floodgates for mods so people can mod the crap out of the game. Mostly because I like mods. Though another thing is that having a game be moddable si that you can expand upon it

This makes two by my count.

Maybe not all of the milestone features were reached. Though frankly, this software project seems like it's suffering from too many features and should have been scaled back from the beginning into something more manageable.

ah I see.

Well, depends on what size battery it has. Though from what I can tell, the 15,000 mah batteries available currently on amazon tend to weigh at roughly 10 - 16 ounces. So I'm unsure just how much "weight" you are thinking it adds. That's roughly just over half a pound to a pound of battery. Even if you have two or

Well, not everyone can say their job entails them flying a truck.

Most likely. Even the developers of Call of Duty has noted that they can no longer keep up with yearly releases. Basically Activision is hedging their bets.

I'll be honest, at least in the letters disclosed... it seems more like patching vulnerabilities than "yo, can I see your data centers?" Sounds more like U.S. sitting the kids down at the table and saying "form a standard of security that you all use from now on."

Ah I see my apologizes.

Well it wasn't really SWTOR fault per say. It needed an extra 6 month of development I think. Iron out some bugs and miscellaneous things. Mass Effect 3 needed the extra 6 months in order to be remotely successfully and so they switched positions for quarterly earnings. Ergo, EA should have just launched SWTOR and

Yeah, I got into the beta the week before and as well as this weekend by invite and I kinda just went a fairly slow pace. Not hyper-leveling as fast as possible. I got two characters to 15 and 20 respectively. It's not so bad and even going at your own pace, there is progress.

SWTOR etc is a story about how releasing games to meet quarterly earnings and not when they are primed and ready is a bad idea.

Doubt it. I would say.... 30-40% would be a better conservative number.

most of the people in the credits after the first couple minutes haven't dedicated their lives to the game for years and are only in there because these days game credits are like the marines, no one is left behind).

Unfortunately for them, Call of Duty is on a countdown timer. Has been for some time as they are literally running out of ideas to do for things like Zombie Mode etc. The yearly cycle is a brutal one and it's biting them in the ass.

Thankfully... no. I am pretty sure even a 16 year old would want to at least put in a functioning GUI and a way to respawn if you fall out of the map. Frankly, I would say this game was the work of a 6 or 8 year old.

Pretty simple: Two hot guys boning. Same reason why guys dig lesbians.