
“The Oak Man was swishin’ and dishin’, shovin’ and wrastlin’, boxin’ out like it was Laimbeer and Rodman down there.”

If the owners have their say, the taxpayers.

Regarding civil rights hero and Georgia Congressmember John Lewis, do you think:

What would it look like if Trump were suffering from dementia? However Bannon wanted it to.

This list curiously leaves out Bowling Green

“And Guard...number 2...”

“I haven’t paid much attention. I’m just a POS itive person.”

Astro is happy about this.

It is great that you have called your Congressmembers. You can also call your many other elected officials, and call them EVERY WEEK!

Wow this is obnoxious and embarrassing, all the assistant coaches are wearing suits and white sneakers.

Bartolo has a surgery named after him?

- Moscow Ritz Carlton Concierge

Charles Smith has spent the past 24 years trying to dunk on the Bulls.

You forgot the following top-notch crackers:

Haha, yeah and Joakim Noah is making $13M for 5ppg.

After the match Tsonga was tso tsad.

Can’t wait to see him in the finals against another NBA player’s son, Bogues Bogues.

From ages 6-10, I pretty much always addressed my mom as, “MomCanIPleaseHaveCake?”

Thanks, any good resources that explain what might have happened if the bailout went to individuals letting some of the big banks go the way of Lehman Bros?

I hear that. We definitely got many more jobs and less unemployment. I’m just wondering about whether the past 8 years have further solidified a system that will keep the poor down and the middle-class diminishing, which in the long run will make those extra jobs crappier and crappier until everything is outsourced or