
(misanthropic upvote)

Referring to himself as "eccentric" would be the qualifier for dickhead here.

someone talking to you about their dumb passion

You know what they say, "Big feet- big nose."

I never thought of it that way, it all adds up now!

I gotta think there's a reverse mortgage ad or two in there.

You can dislike both, but the difference in the magnitude of their shittiness is undeniable.

Supper Clubs>>Buffets

You're in luck then. In my experience the Irish are pretty much up for fucking anybody!

Protesters interrupt controversial performance of 400-year-old play

Hand or blow?
Asking for a friend.

I really can't separate the looks from the person. Ronnie Reagan was pretty hideous in that regard too despite having what some would call "rugged good looks."

And JFK's gotta have his own spot in the top 5. If only due to the Marylin Monroe connection.

John Dean
Telling us what we already knew.

Hmm, could be that I'm thinking of the Ya-Ya's version.

If anything, you'd think today's old people would be more aware of the irony than ever before, Or not. I'm part of Carolla's generation and the large part of this demographic is as thick-headed, self-centered, and intolerant as the parents who raised them. They don't see their parents when they look in the mirror

But the people who support him will be blind to that.

Currently the two things that popped into my head are the melodic solo he played in The Have Nots and the short but sweet bursts in How I and Devil Doll.

Billy Zoom played more than a few fantastic solos.

I was closer to 30 than 13 when it came out and general puberty angst aside I felt the exact same way. To this day I don't know which is worse, hearing people talk about the way Clapton plays guitar or actually listening to Clapton play guitar.