
Probably already said but that was Mick Taylor playing on Sympathy for the Devil.

Sorry architect dude, you aren't getting away that easy.

*clown shows up with a seltzer bottle to douse the flame

Pro: he's significantly prolonged his life and avoided a tragic death.
ConEven better: he has an unsellable nightmare house full of chalk-faced horror creatures.

And bring in yesterday's celebs for no real reason. "Hey look, it's my old pall Dee Snider on a Harley!"

It's also pretty obvious that the majority of those cast in the later seasons of HK are purely fodder. You could almost pick the top 6 fifteen minutes into the first episode.

After all the hoopla dies down and the cameras are long gone you have to figure most of the owners fall back into their old behavior patterns.

It was on FOX, say no more.

Useful? Friendly?

Lotsa pronouns there. Are you sure you're in the right place?

I'm going to shine all the buttons on my new green shirt in anticipation.

This can't end well.

Quit tauntaun me with these puns!

"I wasn't into horror films before it was cool." - S. Kubrick.

Good thing I scrolled down before posting the exact same thing. That's some realism you aren't likely to find in films these days!

Predator? I barely know 'er!

Hidden salami

My wife had a mother who behaved a lot like that but maybe not quite to that degree. It wasn't until my wife survived breast cancer and realized she didn't deserve that kind of treatment and finally stood up for herself. At that point she divorced the guy her mother picked for her (who still was a failure but all his

Most of my high school classmates were raging assholes in high school too so I'm surprised when I come across a former schoolmate who's a decent human being.
