
I didn't do it either. He posted the article to his page or I likely wouldn't have seen this at all.

This comment was screenshot and posted to the drummer's facebook page.

"…and then my mom yelled down the stairs that it sinks like a locker room down there, don't you ever want to go out and get some fresh air?"

And it's got to start locally. Even though the tea party was funded and organized by wealthy donors they knew that getting local power was the key to changing policy. Now they've managed to gerrymander districts that will help them keep their hold on power until enough voters care enough to vote them out.

I'm actually volunteering for events and helping out with local organizers. One good friend is a township trustee where I live and another good friend is running for trustee in the township where he lives about 10 miles away from me.
Internet arguments and trivial shit (maybe not so trivial to those immediately

We can be concerned about more than one thing. It's all part of the Oligarch Agenda® to divide the masses against one another and rob us blind while we're blaming the groups down the ladder for all of society's ills.

So your saying we should just give CBP a chance to deport foreign artists?

My condolences.

I knew it was somehow in-law related.

It's empowered them.

Don't forget Glenn Grothman!

Isn't he the CEO because he married the former CEO's daughter?

They can forward the crate here:
410 E. Jackson Street
Springfield, Illinois 62706

*trigger warning

Nah, S & L crisis, Arms for Contras, he was the original Teflon™ President.

Everything. They're crying about every stinking single thing under the sun, and it's always someone else's fault.

Belushi was a fan, that's how they ended up on SNL.

Chicago actually. I could've gone with Didjits and Killdozer too.

Must've been a west coast thing-

Couch Flambeau and The Frogs?