
Ketchup does not belong on anything BUT fries. It's the garbage of condiments.

I did in the original post, it was pointed out to me the following week.

But it was the biggest nose in showbiz.


far too hate-filled and monstrous to bother trying to pass himself off as a common man,

As are tongue tacos.

Sheldon knew his wife's voice from the get-go.


Yeah, link please, or at least user name. I'll go look through it later tonight when I'm bored.

Sheldon even said, "Their mascot is a goat, and we're going to cook it."

It really does cement the idea that the producers wanted to do another all-stars but didn't have enough chefs to come back for a full-on all-stars show.

Or when you start snoring you can blame the alcohol.

Padma's comment about the vanilla making her think there was whip cream hidden somewhere in the dish was about the best comment she's had all season.

Katsuji in Chicago, I'll be sure to skip that one.
Six months tops.

See, even a vegan won't eat that crap!

All that stuff is bound for the compote pile anyway.

They're going for the metal crowd. \^^/