
Mort, Reaper Man and Soul Music were the first three I read, they were given to me as a Yule gift by a friend. Of course I've lent all three to others and have to keep my eyes open in used bookstores to find replacements now.

A couple college friends of mine went to high school with Stipe, one was even in the same Boy Scout troop (yes, he was in the Boy Scouts, his dad was even the troop leader or whatever they call it). Apparently he developed that persona after moving to Athens, to his credit he's maintained it ever since.

Cracking one's knuckles is generally done before getting into a brawl, like a wrestler might do. I wonder if he and his buddy Alex are going to put on spandex and get in the ring together.


I'm in Chicago, not enough military support unless they're being super-covert. Of course this would be a nice place for that to happen but there might be an invasion from Wisconsin.

I sure hope so, the tirades he'll have for them snubbing him will be wonderfully childish I'm sure.

I fear it's going to be more like the ending of Brazil, that or Easy Rider.

The same way he's sympathetic to the plight of the working man!

50 shades of orange?

Hello, it's me.


Spoiler! The fence was there the whole time!

As someone who's been watching the series as of late, it's amazing how well the story of an entitled man who makes life hell for local women to fit them into his idea of how things should be fits into the mold of recent blockbusters reality.

In other episodes they at least give their names when they're seated at the table, the way it was handled here they may as well have been "Top Chef Superfans."

can we please scale back the puns?

Of course not, she's Australian.

Haters!? You gotta be kidding me.
The quickfire wasn't compelling tv and there's better ways to frame a vegetarian challenge than maligning so-called comfort food.

Greek lemon chicken is really good, the flavors could have been adapted to southern cooking- especially by Brooke.

He never struck me as effeminate, maybe a bit fastidious and being a short guy with glasses helps further that image. But I wouldn't have been surprised if he had been married to a guy either (although I doubt he'd have the Alabama Governor's mansion job if he were actually gay-married).