
"I've heard of kids who discover that meat is animals and have a reaction like that."
My wife was one of those kids at eight years old and she hasn't eaten meat since. Of course the 5 years between 3 and 8 cover a lot of developmental ground.

I thought it was just vegetarian, Jamie mentioned that his dish was almost vegan.

The way they framed that quickfire really fell flat, glad the elimination was well thought out and compelling.

It's just a shameless bid for all those sweet John Carpenter clicks.

Holy crap, Carpenter is only 68 years old!?

Maybe @vladdrak meant he was blowing it out his ass?

Crap. I'm busy the night he's in Chicago, might be able to get to MKE next Friday though.

Fox news is pop culture. At least more than it's news.

Um, you did look at the picture above, didn't you?

My name is Tucker and I'm a punchable motherfucker.

In Hannity's case it's a hemorrhoid.

As if 2017 needed to add more faces to the punchable list.

Say it into a mirror three times and he becomes a (short-lived) character on Game of Thrones.

We'd be better off.

At least there was some risk involved. Once in a while one of them might fall off the water tower.

He'd have nowhere to tweet the insults!

I bet even medieval serfs would have refrigerators and cell phones, unfortunately I think we may find out in the next four years.

I got downvoted for that, awesome!

Him and Adam Levine are probably tattoo buddies.