
*Violent J breaks something, regrets it*

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They should do a residence there.
Napa tours all end with a Foo Fighters show.

Will "Threatment" be the OED's new word for 2017?

"It leads me to believe that she's laughing in the control room during each & every Quickfire." I think she's doing one-hits before every quickfire and making the same joke about how it's a "quick-fire, heh-heh."

Does Katsuji ever actually cook in his own restaurant?

An affront to tomatoes.

Now we know Padma's user name.

Could explain why he doesn't/can't edit himself. Now that he has so much at his disposal he can't resist using it all.

Very pointed.

It's different there than at judges' table though. It seems he at least knows better than to carp there.

That's the first Quickfire!

Can they be on a dysentery cruise ship?

I kinda dug the quickfire but do agree they get an A for concept, a C for execution. A little more inside info for the audience, maybe put us in the control room, could have given the viewer a better picture of the challenge. I don't want to feel like a contestant when I watch the show so being "in" on the twist keeps

I agree but I sure ain't complaining!
I'll take these brief thoughts over what's been passed off as a review in the past, go Randall!

That sounds like a way better idea than the "not quite enough veterans for an all-stars" show we have now. I often wonder how some of the early eliminated would do if they had a chance to settle into the rhythm of the show. This would've been a great way to give some of them a proper shot at competing and if they

Blues Traveler has been known to cause migraines.

It's like Ikea's Italian cousin.

Apparently Emily thought so too.