
I think at the very least Casey knowing full well how bad her dish was helped to not have immunity yanked. Defending a bad dish or decision is almost a sure way to get sent home.

He showed a pretty nasty mean streak in this episode, I wonder if that's due to pressure now or if it was always there and just left out in the editing.

When Katsuji wouldn't let up on giving Emily shit in the stew room I began to really feel sorry for his daughters. It showed that he's not putting on an act, that's who he is and those poor kids are stuck with a dad who will never let the slightest slip be forgotten, ever. And winning a fish challenge for his sauce

Isabella's still kind of an itchy teddy bear.


It was downright horrible. I turned it off 12 minutes in.

Kosher Mexican restaurant north of Chicago-
I've never eaten there but have had their tamales that someone brought to a party once. Tamales were good, nothing to go out of my way for though.
I have to agree with @avclub-ce11a6d53c3c8c10c196e2114a8d5149:disqus regarding kosher restaurants

At home I heat up the store bought tortillas on a sheet pan with a sprinkling of oil and cover them with a towel. Just long enough to get them warmed through and you have to eat them right away so it's the last thing before the meal hits the table.

*makes mental note to avoid Variety for a few months

Victor is the name of the place Amanda bartends, subliminal? You did say you enjoyed the place!

That's the twist! They're the real reason the agency is crashing and burning.

Well the three work for an advertising agency so they went where no one would think to look for them.

A ledger sheet and time line would likely suffice.

Got a better way to keep those dead eyes so glazed over?


All that time I wasted sure was a waste, I'd know to appreciate doing nothing so much more.

…per 10 minutes.

Waxing nostalgic for simpler times.

Most hearing aids cost about triple that $1300 amount.
*asks everyone to please speak up, again*

$1300? You must have some good insurance!