
Yep, I can understand them wanting to put the plantation in early to establish that they're aware of the racial history but they ended up giving it short shrift.
Shrimp boil? don't blink or you'll miss it. Katsuji's quote that it looked like a special occasion dinner and Sheldon's about it reminding him of a family

They definitely gave the veterans the better dinner to be at, but the noobs sure screwed up by not making biscuits.

Not that I'm aware of.

Cripes, biscuit woman even talked about her mother using "double the cream cheese," you think they'd have taken the hint.

That's odd.

He's yummy yucky, once you hear him boasting.

I so want to see her and Tesar getting paired up in a challenge. Real bloodbath potential both figuratively and literally.

Educators who voted for Trump get what they deserve, unfortunately the rest of us are going to get it too.

Hasn't this been the narrative for the last six years? I don't know how much longer I can wait for the final act.

I really enjoy that the musician Joe Walsh came out and did a fundraiser for candidate who unseated the tea party Joe Walsh. And now that candidate is going to be the next senator from Illinois.

But only robots have jobs these days, and they don't even eat burgers!


The AV Club

Holy crap, what season was that again? My father-in-law moved to San Miguel de Allende about a year and a half ago from Shanghai. I'd like to watch that episode again now.

And CJ could easily match JT in the "ass with a giant ego" metric, that was a match I wanted to see both lose.

Took me a full week to find the recap and realize that they were even acknowledging it as a show again. Supper Club needs a complete reboot.

Beratings over the poor ratings.
"Get out of your beds and turn on CNN, I've ordered them to show the inauguration continuously for the next four years."

Yeah, that's one to be mourned. It's pretty much only tangentially related to 2016.

I didn't say I'm not cursing it, just cursing with reservations. I can't risk exhausting all my bile.