
I've heard it floated that if enough people just plain don't watch and the ratings are low it'll give him an aneurysm. It's worth a shot (and really easy for me to not watch that shit-show).

Yup, that's why I've been hesitant lately to curse 2016, I'm afraid of what we're in for.


Boss: "Let's see, you worked 60 hours last week, that's 40 at regular time, 20 at half-time, a penalty on your wages for working more than 40 hours, dues to the company "union", and a Christmas Club donation for the execs holiday party. That brings your pay this week to…one dollar."

Comment/Avatar synergy 10:10 Bravo!

That's the view of KR's backyard, I believe.

Kleptocracy for a close second.

Build a Mirror!

“They’re always polite, they always upsell, they never take a vacation, they never show up late, there’s never a slip-and-fall, or an age, sex, or race discrimination case,”

Murray (grabs piece of cake from oldster's plate): No one will believe you if you tell them.
Oldster: I ain't gonna remember this anyway, and who are you, and I spit on my cake.

*slide whistle


And puns!

Corman's original was just that. I've never seen the musical or the movie it spawned, from what I hear I think I'd like 'real' ending.

There's a few days between the Detroit and Dallas shows, maybe something will happen in Chicago, Milwaukee or St Louis.

Are we not pins?

No, just malevolent.

Yeah, I was just tallying that particular incident.

Devo: 1
Kid Rock: 0

Rocks 'n' Blow!