
See also: @cocaine

Oh man, he called it the Willis Tower. His Chicago cred just nose dived.

That's what happened to the Apple Dumpling Gang


I got into them after they made the list!

"What a coincidence, I have a husband named Dean Wormer."

That’s why you should do crossword puzzles later in the day, because other people have thought about the answers.

Agreed. It should be outlawed by the Geneva Convention as a crime against tomatoes.

He's this administrations Cheney.

And they're all red! Sheesh, get yourselves some patterned ties at least.

Has gone, we're up a creek and paddle-less.

Oh sure, go suck all the fun out of it.

I know where your offices are, I know what floor you are on, and I know I am not getting in without being buzzed in/signing in upon arrival.

Better get it notarized.

I think we have our winner.

I don't fucking deserve this, now you come up with the other 36 words.

And thanks to all the Kansans who thought he was a good choice to be their "leader."

"That's My African-American!"
Cosby's new show premiering on Trump TV

The UnEducation Camp!

For those of us old enough to have been there.