
No, but her character's big reveal is that she eats everybody.

He's definitely more relaxed and personable on Top Chef, he's probably happy for the opportunity to turn it down.

Maybe that's how he's trying to sell the show, "Really, I don't talk a lot this time. I actually let my guests have camera time!"

Tell him this is his last chance to get his daughter in a fine romance 'cause the publisher, honey, just gave me a big advance.

#7. Be Mel Gibson and cast her in a film.

Mel Gibson figured it out.

Pretty sad when it can't even get on MeTV

Duh, that's what landfills are for.

And Mel Tormé.

even if the writer of the newswire piece does not

That's what our newest cat does, and she's too cute so she gets away with it. She also comes running to greet me when I come in the door, she basically flies to the top of the cat tower that's in the window next to the front door and purrs in my face.

*farts, wags tail bites Dr. Andics

Those guys got a ways to go to catch Iggy Pop.

I went to high school with that dude, he started out on aluminum cans.

I saw that episode of Hey Arnold!

I was almost a teenager when his mom was born. I could be his grandfather, biologically speaking.

I don't even want to know how you know that.


When chickens oink you can put them on a pizza, not a moment before.