
This guy gets it.

…but I know it when I see it.

There's definitely a power dynamic at work, it's still the male-dominated power structure that is being defended. In the examples you gave the accused are both paragons of the patriarchy and the mere notion of that being challenged/questioned is enough to cause a large portion of people to just shut down (if they were

Blues Traveler is Deadbeat Dad-Rock

In all seriousness,
That's because I wasn't serious, it's just fun to take a knock at him because of his ego -even though he's got the talent his opinion of himself is still preposterous.

"Sting ruined it, Sting ruins everything."

"Sting ruined it, Sting ruins everything."

It's been a long summer.

From a flyover stat?

In high school days a friend of mine had a Z-28 with T-tops, he thought it was so cool he barely ever put them on so I don't know if they leaked. I do know he had them because he would open the trunk to show everybody how they filled it up. I live near Chicago and nobody wanted to ride with this guy in the winter.

With T-Tops.

Why a duck, why not a chicken?

What's it gonna be boy, yes or no?

I sprang from my bed, to see what was the matter.

Ironic became Iconic so seamlessly I didn't even notice.

That joke was sloppy, over-written, and pretentious … much like Gaiman's prosewife.

Give it a go, you'll probably ending up liking it more than some of the rabid fans who'll complain that it didn't follow the book enough.

Define "that rich".

( __ ________ ________ _______ )

Wait, wasn't Osama Bin-Laden a Bush?