
The RNC.

Stop by the merch table.

I just shuddered. He's a bigmouth and a bully, perfect for the part.

Nah, he only got fired because he got caught. I'd be willing to bet that his behavior was common knowledge and everyone looked the other way until Carlson finally blew the whistle.

Nah, he only got fired because he got caught. I'd be willing to bet that his behavior was common knowledge and everyone looked the other way until Carlson finally blew the whistle.

One of Murdoch's spawn, perhaps?

Literally would be okay with me. Bad shit happens to good people all the time so why not some bad people too?

Or Leroy Bach.

Whatever re-write of California Überalles Jello Biafra has.

*speechwriter googles "Slovenia" gets Rick-rolled, shrugs, figures this'll do

That's what he wants you to think, duh…I mean baaa!


However, large piles of cash can make those standards reachable. And I'm sure there's plenty of wackadoo all across the gender spectrum.

The anger underneath their music (first couple albums especially) is downright frightening.

The Words Get Stuck In My Throat!? Like from the War of the Gargantuas!?
I used to hum that when I was a kid, no wonder I'm a DEVO fan.

The AV Club

Sure enough.

Michigan turned into Mississippi so fast I didn't even notice.

That's generally the sanest band member, so it only makes sense.

Oh there's reasons, they just don't want everyone to know them.