
Oooh, they have articles on the internet now?

He'll punch anyone who says different too!

Which was it?
Chicken Nugget
(for your office)

"Jazzed," yeah, right.

Would you say you say me to Tom Petty?

I have a vague recollection of one episode of the original series where he was accompanying a female crew member in a way that made it appear to be more than just a mission, but that isn't much to go on. I'm not familiar enough with the film canon to say either but I suppose it's all between Pegg & Takei anyway.

A cautionary tale about personal responsibility.

I heard an interview with Takei and he was much more bothered by the idea that Sulu was closeted in a supposed enlightened future.


*clicks because he thinks Turkish means porn

I prefer the term, "cashing in."

What's shocking is that she actually decided to say something about it.

Breeders gonna Breed.

But guns make for a polite society!

Travel and Leisure keeps sending writers there but they're never heard from again so no hard data has been collected.

Would you make a jokey riff in front of Tom Petty?

Or was the sand in the ass-crack?


I would say he's wonderfully negative tonight.

Crap. Just call it crap and try not to step in it.