
As Hawks and Faulkner saw it, ancient Egypt was a culture of death,

At 89 years old he may not have entreated Death for that anyway.

He was 89, that's a proper age to go. 2016 doesn't claim him it just happened to be there.

So closing that crappy venue is what that banner was referring to?
Mission Accomplished after all!

All the background music they use kills the mood.

You have brunch confused with "barf."

Saw those at Exit in the late '80s.


Twoompa Loompa!

Aw man, who doesn't love Bette Midler? Why, you'd have to be some kind of sociopath nut to not… oh.

Who's hands are littler, Trump or Hitler?

Stupid sexy results.

In Lampoon or Penthouse?

Letters to the National Lampoon were fake!?
Next thing you're going to tell me is all those Penthouse Forum letters are made-up.

If you have to ask you probably don't want to know the answer.

Maybe it refers to the smell?

Flossing, I'm pretty sure he means flossing.

I hate it when that happens.

Ahem, Malibu Stacy.

Hey Emmy voters, vote smart, vote S-Mart.