
I see Sean Harris but somehow the name becomes a mashup of Sean O'Neal and Will Harris.
AV Club, what have you done to me?

John C. Reilly doesn't have the height but I'm sure he'd own that role.

The header image with the blank stare among the beanie babies said it all.

Or the middle of the room, or out in the hallway, or over by the window, or…

All while his developer cronies make big money and the city moves closer to the Disney-fied mall vision of Daley Jr.

Settle down, Internet, you really are trying too hard.

The pickle and the coleslaw basically perform the same function on a sandwich, a touch of acid and some crunch. So for me it's one or the other but never both at the same time and I'll always take a good garlic dill over the slaw, but slaw beats out those nasty sweet pickles.

I kinda threw the Rosemont thing in as a joke since they work their asses off to keep it lily-white there.

The old Sears HQ on Homan, the old Brach factory on Cicero, the Ford City mall. I bet Rosemont would've been happy to have that tourist magnet to add to its skyline.

That mostly goes toward Indiana.

No doubt it does and that's a big reason why Rahm & Co. were so hot on this project.

Detroit would probably agree to most anything these days.

Of course, otherwise I'm left with mere speculation.

Okay, but how many of them peed with excitement?

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On fire like a bag of poo on the nasty neighbor's doorstep!

You mean to tell me they have articles?

*yawns Really Internet, were you born yesterday?