
As though country and blues didn't sprout from the same soil.

Cut it out already, Internet!

I think he could use a little horseradish.

Meh, this song isn't even worth getting any dander up. How can you work up a froth over something so bland?

First-hand? Hanging out with Joe E or Joe S?

You probably know this now of course, but Ely's Live Shots album was recorded when he open for The Clash on their '78 UK tour. He and his band were likely used to the British punks spitting on the bands after that trip, although if I recall from the liner notes the fans there were far more appreciative of the music at

I pre-ordered when it came out. It's cool to be able to support a friend's work when it's something I'd likely buy anyway.

I'll read that later today when I'm at work and there's a lull, got to listen to the full album in sequence now too.
A friend of mine contributed Maybe Partying Will Help to this- http://doublenickelsforever… Which is a really cool tribute in comic form.

Thanks, I haven't looked at the hootpage in a long time. I tired following his podcast for a while but biking isn't really my thing and it seemed that all the 'casts I listened to were primarily about cycling.

I want to read a book (or two or more) by Watt.
Get to it man from 'Pedro!

If they actually know you they likely already know that about you too, so go ahead and shout it.

Are you hung over now?

Um, I eat really well. The roof leaks and the car needs a muffler but I don't skimp when it comes to dinner!

2 things

“This disparity between genres may partly explain why rom-com-heavy
stars like Katherine Heigl and Vince Vaughn rank so unfavorably:
thespians who stick mainly to comedy forever relegate themselves to
critics’ least favorite genre,” the article suggests.

If a tree calls in the woods and no one's there to answer will it leave a message?

It's all fun and games until Treebeard starts talking about MuslimsDruids…

Some old punks even have a sense of humor!

Ugh, Y people.

That'd be worth it just to see Mikkey Dee and Phil Campbell enact the lyrics to Die You Bastard on Axel.