
Only at the Bradford Exchange a couple of weeks and it's come to this?

They have articles now?

Amar is getting the big dramatic storyline late in the game, and I suppose I like him better than Jeremy. Marjorie would've been good to see in the finale.
That Elimination challenge really seemed like more of a mid-season thing than the last round before the finals, the best food will always take it so why throw that

Sweet Thanks!

Nothing against Caitlin but I would really like to have seen Vanderbilt's name up there. I know he's a big fan and has a pretty deep knowledge of the band.

Bookmarked thanks!

It just occurred to me that a high school friend of mine knows Nielsen, probably a good first place for me to look.

Link? Is it available anywhere (legit or otherwise)?

Sorry, should've read closer, I was in a hurry to leave work. Glad to hear your dad was a decent man.

Sorry to hear your dad was what he was.

Oh well, if we all ignore the hell out of that site he'll be back.

If he did attend then they'd call him uppity for bucking the tradition, it's a total lose-lose (although he really isn't losing anything).

I have a hard time picturing anyone truly mourning that despicable toad. They may have been keeping up appearances on the outside, but dancing a jig inside.

In Jersey? How would anyone tell?

That's what I'm doing.

The '80s.

Where's the O'Neal snark when we really need it?

This is neverland, we're all obnoxious teenagers with irritating vocal inflections.