
I know, I'm from Chicago and am familiar with both urban and rural WI, in fact one of the best Indian restaurants I've ever been to is in Madison. But having grown up going to places with names like "The Brat Stop" it's just incongruous.

I'd find a new dentist if I heard something like that, I'd never be able to trust their moral compass after hearing something like that. They'd be able to justify anything if they can make their heads wrap around any of those choices being "great."

I'd bet FAIL's boyfriend spotted her vulnerability/neediness (perhaps a tad desperate after the long time away from her romantic side?) a mile away and swooped in like a hawk. Predators can spot the weak and I also wouldn't be surprised if he was working at driving a wedge between her and any close friends she may

Something about vegan and Wisconsin comes mighty close to cognitive dissonance for me.
Glad you saw the mope's true colors before anything went too far.

At least a given name is something one has no say in, so one doesn't really have to bear any responsibility for its lack of any sort of grace. On the other hand, there's no excuse for a bland nom-de-plume.

*googles Ferlin Husky's Etsy sweatshop…er store

*wakes up, looks under (regular old) bedspread, sees wood, proclaims Godliness!

Those stupid plastic cases with the hinge ears that break off.

I might still go back & finish up, you never know. At the time I was less than a semester away from graduating, stupid 22 year old me!

That's really close to Giant City State Park, they have cabins for rent and I've been remiss about checking into availability for next year, that' right around the time we close our office for a week.

I do know some who've actually graduated, I think I know more who never left town, it's got a peculiar black-hole magnetism about it.

I've known more than a few people who've worked for him at both Metro and Double Door and not one of them has one bad thing to say about the guy. That's pretty f-in remarkable.

"But I didn’t graduate from Southern Illinois University."

Not a whole lot to defang when they're described as a "Starry-Eyed Duo" and I see the picture up top.

I think Mel's dad and Poppa Cruz have more in common.


Proper spelling and punctuation, for one thing.

Marjorie and Amar look like the two who are getting stronger as it goes on. I don't think Carl has another "notch" to kick it up to and Isaac is a little too quick to revert back to his comfort zone.

Especially when Waffles was half of the name and theme of his place.