
I don't live there, but i have passed through. I'll be sure to wave out the car window next time I'm on 94/53!

I hope it's an army of trolls.

I dropped one once and a bunch of the tape unraveled, it took like 5 minutes of screwing around with a pencil to get it all wound back into the cassette.

Wait, what?

Not in that order though, right?

Don't forget the poop emoji!

Is someone trying to summon the ghost of ZMF here?

That's just what James Woods wants you to believe it is.

It's not so bad if you live in Eau Claire, other than the living in Eau Claire part of it.

*inner child gets a big goofy grin

Too soon?

He's a Fool
He was Fired
That's the last suit he will File

I left them in my other pants.

Boy I can't wait to not watch this!

Great Job, Commentariat!

Exit Enter through the gift shop.

*farts, wags tail

You must not have the proper porn mustache.

The mag is spelled with an "i" instead of a "y".

He made such a mess of the cold cuts tray last time that they didn't want to ask him back.