
Uh-oh, I don't think that's Mayonnaise on the mat.

"But regardless of that, I honestly want to know, from one of them
firsthand, WHY they try to not simply “re-invent” themselves, but
fabricate an identity." Well then they wouldn't be Twinks, would they? The Des Moines example who's "starting to age in a very unattractive way very rapidly" is probably getting honest

And yet another difference to Idiotking.

Great Job, @disqus_omM0T70cTL:disqus!

Common Grub Being Dispensed

Hood's voice is well-suited to this song, the harmonies drop in just right too. It's no surprise he'd pick a melancholy tune for this and I'm kinda glad they didn't do the Kinks tune, that would be a little too obvious.

For once there really is no article to read, straight to the comments!

That's okay, I replied to yours without scrolling down too.

He didn't say "the very worst of America and raging figurehead for its certain downfall," but it is a slippery spoiler-filled slope.

Is that you, Brian?

I like all kinds of music.

"…every half-formed thought."

Don't know why it would matter, I haven't had coffee yet and it's a while before the sun will be up.

Current or original?

*Han grins sheepishly and shakes his head

No, just your run of the mill MG troll.

I'm guessing he had most of this written and ready to go years ago and just had a few things to plug in to make it current.

Mommy's alright.