
Or Little Richard.

Schilling for your thoughts, Guv'ner?


Am I the only one who read that as "astromerch?"

Thanks Catholic Guilt!

If your lucky you can get some of the amount paid under medical since it's "surgery." Got about half of the older stepson's wisdom teeth removal paid for that way which was far more than I expected (which was zero).

For the first time I mean it, Thanks Disqus!

Or pour another glass…

Good Luck Thursday!
I had surgery this past Thursday and am doing a bit better every day. Catheter comes out Friday and I can't wait!

"occasionally exaggerated internet commenting persona"??

I would add that those who realize that 30 minutes is about the longest someone in a hospital bed can take (except for SO's) and get up to go before you wish they'd never come in the first place are true gems.

A show about roadies?
Art Carney or GTFO!

Darth Diggler?

More like Great Job! Internet

So I was out at the club last week and the carpark has the audacity to speak to me!

Can't upvote that enough!

The Lip-Synch Battle Re-enactors are all drunk behind the Arby's.

I thought that was the way Rand wrote it in the first place.

Just tap the screen with your foot.