
Upvoted for "full-on Alf penis."

She's the only one in the band who can actually sight-read music (piano player too). I can read, just really slowly and painfully, don't ask about the guitar player.

If a beat falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it is the bass player still rushing the groove?

We like to joke that we get into "bar fights" when discussing song structure.

My wife is s drummer and I play bass, say no more.

I got the other end covered.

I was saying Bjoooo-rns.

Aw man, you're making me all nostalgic.

Thanks Disqus!

*James Woods Tweets the address of his dealer.

Every time I've tried to get tickets online for that place the website has either frozen up or sent me into a continuous loop of despair. I've given up trying so maybe next time, Darnielle. I've also bought tickets the last two times they've come to Chicago and both times something came up and I couldn't make it to

Not with that deal they made with the dude E Bloom conjured up in the basement of the old bookstore in Old New York back in '69.

Said more with two strings than a whole lot of clowns with 6 or more.

Two things.

Bill Wyman nods knowingly (or maybe he's just nodding off again).

Good for you! I had my avatar (same one) on my AV Club profile. I know it still exists somewhere but the heathens beat me down and I went over to the darkside. I'll carry these emotional scars to the grave.

Neil Young? Keeping with Canadian content, eh.

Don't you mean "so Geddily"?

And a beer in a Peart-tree!

What about 'Würst'?