
Finally finished Omnivores Dilemma and found In Defense of Food at the used bookstore. Also found Hiaasen's Bad Monkey on the same trip so I'll finish that before I get into anything else too heavy. Also just got Derf's Trashed so that's moved to the top of the pile as well.
And the ubiquitous prostate cancer book

back space on the player, I use itunes so it's pretty easy actually.

Double Wide, a shuffle so nice we did it twice!

Just ask James Woods.

That's what producers are supposed to do, isn't it?

More than a month between those dates, maybe they're hoping to pick up a residency in Branson along the way.

*Jian Ghomeshi stares at his phone hoping Billy Bob Thornton calls

The AV Club

People are idiots.

Well, he is from Milwaukee.

Or his future spouse.


If you keep voting for people who say government is bad, don't be surprised when you end up with bad government.

I still listen to Reality of My Surroundings and Truth and Soul pretty regularly. Their version of Freddie's Dead is often the first one in my mind.
I've never owned any RHCP albums.

Around late 80s early 90s the two bands I tried to see every time they came to town were Fishbone and the Meat Puppets. While some of my memories of those shows might be pretty hazy one thing's for sure, neither band ever disappointed.

"pretty much because there wasn't much else interesting going on in the late '80s"
Couterpoint- Fishbone. In a more just world RCHP would have crashed and burned and Fishbone would've gone on to play the Superbowl halftime show.

Carrot Top is pretty much guaranteed to generate negative pagehits.