
Maybe he's remarking about how Lee managed to not drink himself to death.

Oh no no no no, yeah yeah

two things?

So M Night Shyamalan is his cocaine dealer?

Have you ever looked at Lake Michigan on a map?

That's easy, they can just knock the retaining wall down and let all the fish free!

Hell even I'm taller than Rahm and I'm barely 5'-6" (I've also got all my fingers too).

Not the litter I come from, buddy.


Is that all you've got?

Can you hear me now?

Birds of a feather crap together.


Is he the one who gives unsolicited recommendations?

I thought it would be best if a feline handled my social media duties for me, it's a lot like scratching in a litter box.
And don't die yet, I'm hoping to convince the neighbor's rabbit to start a twitter account.

It's better that way. My cat has a page, if you find him friend him. He's finicky but not that finicky.

1000 juggalos get ready to throw poop.

What? Up with that!

Jared Leto sounds like he's awful to hang around with no matter what.

just the way America likes it
Not if that man is The President.

You mean lust isn't an emotion?
My whole life is a lie.