
"and it's not like anyone's being forced at gunpoint to click and comment on them,"
Speak for yourself.

What if it's pea water?
Room 101?

Luckily we didn't have any kids, we did eventually get divorced and she moved 1200 miles away. I got clean about 6 years after we split up and managed to not kill my liver, along with every other part of me that was screaming in agony. She and I have made up and speak to each other every once in a while, I got


Yeah, fresh carrots are so much better than canned peas.

…and finally gets home three days later penniless and smelling like a sewer just to get clocked in the face by a coffee mug by some unreasonable and irate woman who claims to be his wife but his head is currently so scrambled he really doesn't even remember getting married six years ago, or much of the past six years


I really like that that video has no downvotes.

But not the demand for someone to be fired.

It ain't a beauty, but hey it's alright.

It's all about the bowels in Jersey.

The AV Club

Get off my lawn!

I wouldn't describe Ignatius as despicable, I think loathsome is more appropriate, haven't read the Donaldson book.

Big Red No

If you video that and upload it you could be the nest Pew Die Pie.

Prescott & Dorothy W. sure set a trend.

Put up a paywall and those little kids will figure out mom & dad's credit card number real quick.

NY Times started blocking the crossword puzzle ferchrissakes!

If it's not a legitimate typo it has ways of editing itself.

In 1983 my college roommate and I had this "discussion." I was and always will be firmly in the Addams Family camp for creepiest/family I'd rather be a part of and my roommate was a Munsters kind of guy. He conceded defeat by whipping his half-eaten ham sandwich at me.