
Every time someone compares Ted Cruz to Al Lewis Butch Patrick gets another year added to his jail time.

Of course they yelled "Grandpa Munster!" Al imbued that character with an inherent zaniness.

Dat burnt up real good.


If you shake it more than twice is it a whack?


All spambots all the time.

Especially when you throw all those blurry out of focus mistakes (or old dick pics you don't want anyone to see) on the fire.

Adrienne Barbeau! Hell yeah I have to see that.

I've got to see more!
I also want to get decapitated/eaten/set on fire in one of his films.
Go ahead and call me a total psycho, whatever.

It will actually be quite painless as I plan to not watch it at all.

"small group of trolls…organic outpouring of bigotry"
blah blah two things

If you have to ask what the Number 2 diet is…

2 things

Treat it with all the gravy-tas it deserves.

Is that another chicken (fat) joke?

[Peter Panic gets out a vacuum to clean Funyun crumbs from his keyboard, forgets what he's doing and gets higher instead.]

I'm eating banana bread right now, does this mean I have to download spotify now?

*farts, wags tail

That made me shudder (not in a good way).