


[looks at top picture]
"Fuck! It's Dane Cook!
[clicks to Newswire]

Troll level: Serengetti

Mike Watt.

Wait 'til I show him how you can turn it the other way and it looks like a butt, we'll surely win a Nobel Prize!

Cassette tapes?

Lemon (or any citrus) rinds will do the trick.

Counterpoint- If I turn a 3 on it's side it's a pretty good representation of boobs.


Thanks Disqus!

The odd thing is they don't do anything for me (at least humorously), my wife never fails to at least giggle. I took the username as a homage to a dog I had named Wally who could clear a room. He predated the children's book character.

"A few do seem like total kooks. And a couple seem like absolute dicks. I
have sympathy for the kooks, but the dicks… Well, they're dicks."
That pretty much sums up the whole of humanity.

How do you know you don't have one? They're very sneaky (at least I've been told).

Note to Bonney, finding farts funny isn't just a man thing. Mrs the farting dog often cracks up when I let one rip, especially on the chairs we have in our kitchen which really resonate and amplify the sound.

*farts, wags tail



"Go write to Dan Savage and never call my office again!"

Do you go up the ladder first, or do you follow?