
That makes sense, probably would be better in context of the whole interview instead of just the quote.

Bank of America?
I almost gave up refinancing my house with them 4-1/2 months into the 90 day refi process. Took almost six months total but the payments today make the whole thing worth it, though I'll never use BofA for anything else if I can help it.
Good luck and don't give up!

Most of my friends who knew I quit have never asked me if I wanted a drink since, this knowledge alone tells me I'm doing the right thing.

I saw that Lemmy quote before and still wonder what 1916 was about if not war?


Weird and confusing

Fill that pool with Jello, please.

Hmm, I wonder how Governors and ex-Governor former presidential candidates fare?

I think it's like cockney rhyming slang, he may not have wanted to or been told not to drop any f-bombs in front of the inmates.

Other obscenely wealthy people who have the illness, for the rest of us there's Gofundme

…two things

Oh, and to go along with your avatar, "Not one drop."

Fuck prostate cancer too! Got diagnosed last month and now I'm meeting all kinds of doctors who though they may be decent people I've never actually cared to want to get to know them. My wife survived breast cancer and at the moment is way more freaked than I am, just trying to do the next thing as it comes and hope

Keep coming back! And don't let those negative f*ckers tell you that your "pink cloud" will come crashing down one day, it doesn't have to at all. Yeah sure, reality will set in from time to time and life can't always be a bowl of cherries, but you'll always be better prepared for any shit coming your way if you

The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan. I'm about half-way through it and the first section about factory farming and feed lots almost made me never want to eat again. Luckily my appetite won that argument and the further I get into the book the better I feel about alternatives to big agri and will still eat things

Home-made crusts are the way to go, get a baking stone if you don't already have one. My wife has a proven crust recipe that involves an overnight rise in the fridge and has to come out with enough time to come to room temperature before shaping but is simple as long as you plan ahead. I think she found it through

Our old built-in electric double oven gave up the ghost and while I was on hold with GE service I found a Frigidaire top of the line (from 5 years ago) on craigslist for $300. Turns out it really was owned by a little old lady who used it to heat up leftovers once in a blue moon so complete score!! I installed it

That exchange led me to think maybe BFF should try not using alcohol as part of her decision-making process.

For a while I couldn't figure out how I was ever going to have sex without alcohol, now I wouldn't want to do it any other way. I can get clumsy and sloppy and goofy without any chemical help and have a lot more fun doing so.
I also thought the "work to convince her" line meant "buy her more drinks."
