
From the article, "Later, he would premiere his infamous moonwalk to this song at his Emmy-nominated performance on Motown 25: Yesterday, Today, Forever."

I don't have time to read that Guardian article at the moment but all those names (Axl Rose, Coldplay, Shania Twain, or Gwen Stefani) represent some pretty heavily produced product. It's not like Mutt Lange was a "just hit record and let the band play" kind of producer by a long shot.

I'm gonna have to get really old, as in senile and then some, before that happens. And I've got a lawn dammit!

I gotta guy who'll take care of the Gomorrah chips for ya.

What you hear in the bathroom at the Aragon can't be unheard.

That's why Cale went with the jingle bells. Tambourine has a higher pitch and a hollower sound, sleigh bells are more mid-range and a lot fuller due to all the bells.

Go away, unabating.

That was definitely the highlight of my musical "career" (even better than opening up for Urge Overkill & Eleventh Dream Day before they got big- well one of them did). A friend contributed to Jay's solo album kickstarter and had a couple other people who agreed to go in on the house show reward, when the others

Gonna toot my own horn a little, my band got to back up a Drive By Trucker on this tune at a basement show last December. When he heard that it was in our list of covers he said he had to do it, "My band'll never let me sing that with them." (yes we have jingle bells too)…

Oh man, I'm so glad I don't answer those "no caller ID" calls.

Phew, for a minute there I thought I was hallucinating all those smiling Amazon boxes.

The beginning of another Flood of puns?

And his bestie Amanda Huggenkis.

A real cruel awesome prank would be someone calling him and impersonating
Princess Diana, telling him she thought his re-working of Candle in the
Wind sucked.

Only if you pass out.

Depends on the body part too.

I went through a summer of confusion went thong bathing suits came in and I kept looking at people's feet.

I'm old enough to have had almost all of my fillings replaced, there goes my writing career.

If it's any solace a good friend got his culinary degree in the '90s, worked in the field for a number of years until he walked out on an abusive chef at the height of a short-handed rush. He's since gone to work for an electrical supply house and was based on his food background, they figured they had a ringer for

I would not eat that near a dock
I would not eat that with Chris Rock