
And twisted!

And Brando definitely consumed a demon or two.

They don't need no stinking badges, that's for sure.

There's an article?

A Mist is as good as a Green Mile.

Mother Carmody. Why the hell do I remember that character's name?

Hash under glass?

In the novella it was alluded to that there were crazy dimensional boundary breaking experiments going on at the nearby super-secret military lab.

gave his blessing=cashed fat checks

Time to take a Stand against pun threads.

Too soon.

By crafty do you mean run fast enough to get away from her?

We need a mashup of Mallrats and Chopping Mall, that would truly be a Great Job, Internet.

The long-lost bastard child of The Sting

And the modulation is something they used to pull off really well.

Overruled on the grounds of Derp!

Now excuse me while I go defibrillate this heart attack victim.

Often the best comeback is no comeback.

Too much cussing. It's gotten so those words are losing their impact, and sometimes nothing less than a good &$%@#! will do but it just doesn't have the weight that it used to.

That or DeNiro circa Analyze This