
My oldest stepson (now 22) has those and all I've said on the subject is along the lines of "That's all fun and cool now but what do you think your ears are gonna look like 35-40 years down the road when your skin isn't so elastic and taut?"
He just shrugs and laughs and goes off with his hottie girlfriend, I go out

…two things

$5 a stick? That's more like Trader Joe's prices than Whole Foods.

Me too and I only live about 20 miles from downtown.

Ice cold.

So, 'murican?

Due to drought that's what they have to do to hose down a fire these days.

"Hell Yeah, I just got me one more follower!" -Steve O

Keepin' an eye on Russia.

Holy cow, I got a headache just looking at those few reposteds. That's got to be hazardous to one's mental health to actually read through those comments.

Doctor Hoffman, I presume?

I didn't smoke that much pot, but I did drop enough acid to forget to keep going to classes after only seven years as an undergrad.

A genius, just like all dogs.

Damn illegal immigrant dog taking work from deserving 'murican mutts.

Or better yet leaves town. Go pout in some other teams press room.

*farts in Iggy's general direction

Too old for her.

Avatar/Comment synergy = 10 of 10.

I'd watch that.
Not the parable but the "Making of…" documentary.

[smiles at a crack]