
You pretending not to get the joke is the cutest of all. Oh, the humorless rightwing. Someday, you’ll figure how the world actually works.

lmao. sorry. who???

Sorry, got distracted for a minute. Who’s that again?

Google image search guessed-him-out as “gentleman” in less than one second:

she had suffered third-degree burns on six percent of her skin and lesser burns over sixteen percent. She remained in the hospital for eight days while she underwent skin grafting.

Read the McDonald’s case. It’s used in pretty much every Business Law 101 class, and it was completely valid.

The crappy thing is, having read into that Mc. Donald’s thing as part of my business studies, the case that kicked that off actually was kind of a big deal. It legit fucked up that woman and she had to get medical treatment, but it definitely caused a bunch of imitators to spring up for a quick buck.

Look up the McDonald’s case, would you?

The camera is the highest rated on DXO Mark... EVER.

Water resistance has only become important since the iphone has it.

“If you’re going to spend $650 on a phone, you want it to look great and last at least two years.”

A smartphone is a smartphone is a smartphone is a smartphone. No one buys an iPhone because they want a smartphone. People buy iPhones because they want an iPhone.

That is definitely the only question he asked it and after that he was like “fuck it”

“I’m sorry, but has already rejected your application 3 times now”

“How is this better than my 6P again?”

A. Who goes from iOS to Android on a yearly basis b/c the respective flagship is prettier?