
Dear Hollywood, Go ahead with your crappy re-make of a crappy series of revenge fantasy movies that bordered on schlock anyway— honestly, nobody cares.

Hah ha— Sorry, there may be exceptions, but in my experience a creative that plasters any room of theirs with their own work is a bullshit artist.

This looks awful.

I happen to be the one guy who consider It’s A Wonderful Life as a science fiction story.

With the what that set looks, I half-expect Beat Takeshi to show up with the Crazy 88s.

Since I’m already going to see this anyway, how about Pierce Brosnan as Charlie?

I can’t blame him, I mean— If I could afford it, I’d be buried next to Strother Martin or something...

I know, right? Like how many hours of crazy-ass Lee Marvin stories must she have?

Hah haa— she’s never seen any of those movies.

Love Com Truse and all this ‘Future-Retro’ music genre that’s been slowly lumbering like a pop-culture Godzilla into the town square the last decade or so.

Eh... nah.

I just wanted to add that GLOW was a really terrific show and I’m so glad to be anticipating an upcoming season 2.

‘Course, the real mind-blower is that is early Mike Mignola art before he became the Mike Mignola we all know and love.

So did Jeff Bridges fall on his Oscar and knock out all his teeth? He hasn’t really spoken quite the same since he won it.

All the money and riches but with 0% taste!

Ween: Object

21 years together, 17 of ‘em married.

I’ll say this: Those are really good band names.