
I can remember when he was part of a weird, MTVesque comedy team where he mostly beatboxed. It was like an early 90's rap Abbott and Costello but with less recycled vaudeville routines and way more backwards baseball caps.

Not exactly the brightest crayons in the knife drawer at the tool shed, I’m thinking.

‘Course, that stupid title certainly isn’t helping. Tulip Fever? It sounds like a minute-long SCTV sketch with Martin Short.

He’s completely channeling Timothy Carey in The Brothers Grimm. Astonishing actor.

Hey now, some of us just like wearing hats.

They just don’t speak English around you, dude.

“He’s a dyed-in-the-wool bigoted, racist, jerk, but he’s a very smart man.” said no one ever in the entire history of civilization.

Gee, I wonder what it could be that could somehow vaguely align Shatner with Trump? Hmmmm....

I’m gonna go ahead an assume she apologized after she was let go from her job?

Hmmm...interesting that Hicks is safe.....

The only thing that made my blood boil was that god dammed stupid pool table.



Apparently, whoever compiled this list never drove around Lehigh Valley, PA. Those who know, know what I mean— MacArthur Road anyone?

Did they check for Polonium poisoing?

There is just so much stupid going on from so many places and directions that I can even.

“American Treasure”??? What are we, pirates now?

I hear the new drinking game is to do a shot every time Huckabee Sanders starts a sentence with “Look”.

Hermetically sealed wealth bubble.

Boy, if there is one pet peeve I have, it’s when someone waggles there fingers towards themselves in the ‘come here’ motion— even worse when it’s wordless. Fuck you inside out, fella— I ain’t in grade school and you ain’t my Mom.