Walter S Hemingway

Yams is a tough one. Because generally its what many people, especially African-Americans refer to sweet potatoes as. In reality yams are an entirely different species than sweet potatoes, and the government mandates that anything called a “yam” have “(sweet potato)“ next to it for clarity for the consumer.

“Darn is just as bad as saying Damn.”

I’m glad you addressed “Ninja.” I’ve been seeing that one in the vernacular around here for a bit and kinda bothered me. Kinda like when your mom would say, “Darn is just as bad as saying Damn.” Wondered how everyone else took that one.

But I’m gonna have to stop you at Potato Salad. That’s a food that is constantly

It’s almost like their discomfort isn’t about Wakanda’s lack of a functioning representational democracy at all! And to those really shook by a movie where whiteness wasn’t the hero, our thoughts and prayers are with you in this difficult time 🙏

First of all, everything makes conservatives feel threatened. It’s what they do.

Your points are completely fair! These are the conversations we need to be willing to have.

This is long, sorry.... and sorry for any typos. Ok

“dissenting opinion is a protected right in our Constitution.” -Unless your White. Wonderful Logic, friend.

Trying to talk about the core problems is generally met with “what about black on black crime, huh?” Then you’re in a situation where you’re supposed to try to explain a very complicated and nuanced problem, that nobody can seem to solve, to a person who is being deliberately obtuse.

And on that point I agree. White people never look good trying to tell others how they should handle not being white.

You missed my point, and I can see why. I worded it poorly. Of course Trent Dilfer has the right to his opinion, and the right to express it. However, there’s no good way for a white man to explain to a black man why it’s wrong to peacefully protest the systemic racism that has been going on in this country for 400

I disagree. I’m white but my social circle includes a pretty good mix of different backgrounds. Here’s my hot take:

But it’s white people that need to talk about race. We’re the ones holding back the conversation saying “nope, slavery is over! black people can vote! Kaep is rich, not oppressed!”Chris Rock has a stand up bit where he says (paraphrase) his kids have the best chance to succeed, not because of him and his success, but

Attn Trent Dilfer:

The only acceptable answer for a white man in this situation is as follows:

“Regardless of my own take on this situation, I am in no place to give my opinion, as I have not had to deal with racial prejudice at all during my lifetime. I am thankful to live in a country where a tasteful demonstration of