
But why not even rebadging it? Was VW trying to penetrate the Japanese market at some point?

Also can I get ungreyed? Pretty please?

Does 1985 count as lately?

Don’t know how it is nowadays, but around 2007 FIAT removed the black adhesive from the B-pillar of base Pandas in Italy for cost cutting. Have to say they looked really weird when compared to the previous Pandas.

Also can I get ungreyed, pleeeeeease? I’ll perform a little dance for all of ya*

Azzurro nuvola not being an option makes me sad a little, though :(

Also, I just set up a little altar to be ungreyed... I will sacrifice a Wartburg to the Gods of Kinja (more like demons) and the community managers of Gawker Media.

Akio Toyoda should hire you instead of the dude that thought Scion would be a good idea, Torch.

I think “comprehensive” has just been advanced to the next level.

Not the original offroad FIAT! What about the Campagnola?

WHAT? My family had two, a '93 Tempra SW with a 1.6 mill and a '96 Tempra SW Liberty, always with the 1.6. Besides a catastrophic AC failure (it was January and the very, very advanced computer decided to push extremely cold air everywhere) it was amaaaazing. I remember I could sleep lyind down on the whole backseat.