Walter Payton Manning

Oh yeah... he’s dirty as shit. And I’m a UK fan. The whole system is jacked up. Whenever people get on me about “supporting” him (I only “support” him bc he’s our coach now and I obviously want our team to win — I supported Tubby, too), my response is “All schools do shady stuff, I just choose to root for the one from

“First, and most importantly, it ignores the risk forcibly taken on even by those of Calipari’s players who emerge from his program with their NBA prospects unharmed, or even enhanced. Anthony Davis may have survived his lone season at Kentucky without, say, tearing his Achilles tendon, but he still carried the

I'm a Kentucky-native and a huge UK fan, but... I know Cal is dirty. I know the NCAA is dirty.

And any UK fan who can't admit to both of those is an idiot.

I agree with so many other comments on here: You did yourself a disservice by skipping the Milk Stout Nitro. I love the reg Milk Stout, but the Nitro is noticeably better. It's a beautiful pour, sans widget even (you turn the bottle completely upside down), and it's incredibly smooth. No hints of anything remotely

The Sam Smith Organic Chocolate Stout is seriously one of THE BEST BEERS I've ever had.

Very smooth, and noticeably chocolate but not crazy sweet. Perfect.

He's not. Much like the non-insufferable Yankees' fan, we do exist. But, as in any population, the reasonable get drowned out by the crazies.

I'm a lifelong Cardinal fan AND former sportswriter, and Nightengale's piece was turrrrrible.

In all fairness though, was Wainwright supposed to be like "Oh, yeah... the

I have no problem with people caring about meaningless things, I mean... Shit. I read Deadspin daily and watch and enjoy professional sports. And nothing is more meaningless than sports.

I am just amazed that people are just now realizing that sometimes sequins look different colors, and what looks like one color to