It's me, Dick.

Unless Trump installed a giant neon sign outside the White House that says "I OBSTRUCTED JUSTICE! IT'S TRUE" then there's no case.

Great idea for starting points as most people pick up a Best of CD which makes it decent background music. I'm all for giving the albums a proper listen with the lights down, glass of Beaujolais next to the lava lamp. The original LPs were rather abundant in the cheapo bins (not to mention the 8-tracks).

Wow, comedy is intense!

Anything that announces itself as "extreme" is tooling for some major douche points. Unless it's a delicious energy drink, which this show IS NOT.

Wait, where's Ascension Millennium? And what of the Truth Movement? I hope there's a part 2 to this.

Millions, you say? How would one go about compiling one of these databases?

Liberace *sucks*? Let's see you play the piano, twat!

Telling people about one of my favorite songwriters John Stewart (Gold, Daydream Believer) and explaining away the confusion when they think The Daily Show's Jon Stewart can get annoying.

I'm genuinely surprised Married didn't made the list. I thought You're The Worst fell short following it. It's a shame how that show seems to have flown under the radar. It was one of the most realistic depictions of marriage on a TV comedy and it had a stellar ensemble cast. Brett Gelman and Paul Reiser in the same